Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von Blacknarock
Samstag 2. März 2024, 09:35
Forum: Diccuric (Mod)
Thema: Hammond bug quest ingredients...
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 46168

Re: Hammond bug quest ingredients...

Hello, I'm having trouble with the Hammond bug quest. I have all the ingredients but the rock moss, and I can't find it anywhere. I've found lots of grave moss and mountain moss, but no rock moss. Twelve more hours till the quest runs out! Help please! P.S. Great mod, by the way... Hello and welcom...
von Blacknarock
Samstag 2. März 2024, 00:41
Forum: International Forum
Thema: QUestions in English
Antworten: 57
Zugriffe: 277045

Re: QUestions in English

CANT FIND PICK LOCK TEACHER. I just started the mode. Is very fun but I had a hard time finding the teacher. After I played the mode 12 house with no pause I still couldn't find the teacher for thief skills. Especially lock picking. Cuz sneak u get from the arena as reward. The rest of the quest are...